January 18, 2025
Can You Draw the Epiphany Connections?
Epiphany Sunday, 1/5/25
1 Kings 10:1-9
Can You Draw the Epiphany Connections?
I. The search for wisdom
II. The response to wisdom
History. We all studied history as part of our education. Did you enjoy it? I’m sure a few of you did and perhaps still do. It fascinates you. You’re good at remembering dates and series of events. You enjoy learning about the past because it helps you understand the present. It leads you to see this is how we got where we are today.
But even if you didn’t enjoy the study of history, you’re still a student of it. What do I mean? Well, on a daily basis you recall what has happened and you strive to learn from it so that you proceed with your life at this moment in the best possible way. You take note of the mistakes of others and try to avoid them. You take note of the positive outcomes others have experienced by their wise choices and try to implement them in your life. Bottom line: you draw connections from the past to the present.
This morning we’re celebrating an historical event—the Epiphany of Our Lord. It occurred very early in the life of Jesus. Magi—Wisemen—traveled from far away at the guidance of a star and came to worship Jesus. Contrary to our decorative manger scenes, the wisemen did not appear at the manger on the night Jesus was born. The star appeared in the east to them on the night Jesus was born, and then they made a journey of perhaps hundreds of miles to come and see and worship the Savior. By this time, Jesus was already months old, perhaps more than a year old.
And we draw the line of connection. These men were not Jews. They were Gentiles, just as we are. They came to worship Jesus as their
Savior, the Savior of Jews and Gentiles alike. We have come to worship that same Savior. We draw the Epiphany connections.
But this morning’s sermon text is not from Matthew 2—the account of the wisemen coming to worship Jesus. It’s from 1 Kings 10. As such, it states nothing about wisemen coming to worship Jesus. It speaks about someone else—the Queen of Sheba. And she’s not coming to meet Jesus; she’s coming to meet King Solomon. So, why are we paying any attention to this account this morning?
Because it’s a biblical, historical account. As such, it’s God’s word, and it tells us something important about our Savior and our lives as modern wise men and women who have come to worship the Savior this morning. In other words, there are connections to be made—connections for you to make. Can you do it? Can you draw the Epiphany connections? Would you like some help doing so? Then you’re in the right place at the right time. Let’s do just that.
Perhaps you have heard of the Queen of Sheba prior to this morning. Then again, maybe many of you have not. Either way, how much do you know about her? Not much? You’re not alone. No one knows much about her. She’s one of those mysterious biblical characters. She appears and then disappears.
And biblical historians don’t know much about her at all, but would you like to hear some good guesses? I’m going to assume you do.
One guess is that she was the queen of an area known as present-day Yemen in southern Arabia. That guess would align nicely with all the expensive goods she brought with her, since that area was a world-renowned trading center at this time.
But I think a better guess is that she was the queen of the area known today as Egypt and Ethiopia. In fact, some historians have linked her directly to the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut. It’s also even possible that Solomon was married to her sister. In other words, Solomon might have been her brother-in-law.
Regardless of who she was, we know this about her: she was highly interested in hearing about Solomon’s wisdom. Solomon. Wisdom. Do you recall that historical connection? Early in Solomon’s reign, the Lord appeared to him and gave him a blank check. He offered to give Solomon whatever he asked for. He could have asked for tremendous wealth or protection from his enemies. But he didn’t. He famously asked for wisdom, and God granted his request. Solomon was known all over the known world for his outstanding wisdom.
Enter the Queen of Sheba. Our text states, “When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the LORD, she came to test Solomon with hard questions. Arriving at Jerusalem with a very great caravan—with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones—she came to Solomon and talked with him about all that she had on her mind. Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her.” Solomon blew her away with how smart he was.
But that’s not all. Our text states that she had heard about his “relationship to the Lord.” The Jewish faith was no secret. The nations around the Jews made it their business to know which God the Jews worshipped. That was a common point of interest and conversation among ancient people. Who is your god and how do you worship him? Ancient people were all too willing to worship any god as long as it might benefit them.
But it seems that the Queen of Sheba’s interest in Solomon’s wisdom was connected to his faith in his God. Why do I say that? Because later in this text we hear her proclaim, “Praise be to the LORD who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness.”
That’s some high praise! She refers to the Lord and praises him. But how meaningful are her words? Are they just conventional royal politeness? Perhaps. But I also want you to consider this: The Bible tells us that she experienced the temple Solomon had bult for the Lord, took copious notes on its construction, and returned to Sheba and built a replica of it. Again, you might not be convinced that she did so out of devotion to the only true God, and I’ll give you that.
But how about this? When Jesus was on this earth, this is what he said about the Queen of Sheba, “The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here” (Mt. 12:42). Jesus praises her for her spiritual wisdom. She will condemn those who reject saving wisdom.
So, here’s your opportunity to draw the Epiphany connection. The Queen of Sheba came to Solomon searching for wisdom, and she found it. So have you. It’s right here on the pages of the Bible. God in his grace has already revealed to you everything you need to know—your Savior Jesus Christ. Don’t let go of that wisdom! Keep searching it! Mine the depths of the saving wisdom of Jesus! That’s what the wise men did. That’s what the Queen of Sheba did. Draw the Epiphany connection!
I have one more Epiphany connection I’d like you to draw. It’s one that’s rather hidden in our text from 1 Kings. Here it is. “Arriving at Jerusalem with a very great caravan—with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones—she came to Solomon.” She brought with her some REALLY expensive gifts. The verse right after our text tells us that she gave Solomon 120 talents of gold. Let me help you do the math. That’s 4.5 tons of gold. I did a little calculating. A ton of gold is roughly worth $55 million. She gave Solomon $250 million! Imagine that!
Why did she do so? Some might say it was part of a treaty between them. After all, the text does say she gave it to Solomon. Others state it was a gift to Solomon for sharing with her his wisdom. And recall that she expressed her praise to the Lord for Solomon’s wisdom. She also built a replica of the temple in her own country. Finally, recall that Jesus commended her.
I’m not sure enough about her motivation to state with certainty why she gave away $250 million. But at the very least, I think we can draw this connection: She was moved by everything she had seen and heard, and that included what she heard about Solomon’s God.
Draw a line from her to the wisemen, who appeared and worshipped Jesus nearly 1,000 years later. We know from what Matthew tells us that they came and worshipped Jesus as their Savior. And part of their worship was to present him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Now draw the Epiphany connection to you. You have saving wisdom. It was given to you by God’s grace through the working of the Holy Spirit. In a world of confusion and changing truths, you know and believe the eternal truth that Jesus is your Savior. God’s Christmas Gift is yours. He presented him to you to live for you, die for you, and rise again. He is yours and you are his.
How will you respond? We call that “worship.” Our response to the tremendous grace of our God is our worship. And worship isn’t limited to what we do here in church for an hour on Sunday mornings. Your worship is your Christian life.
Draw the Epiphany connection. How will your life be your worship in 2025? First and foremost, recall what the wisemen did. They knew how desperately they needed a Savior because of sin. Draw the Epiphany connection. You and I deserve nothing good from our God because we are poor, miserable sinners. But we have Jesus as our Savior from sin. That Savior is yours by faith in him. That truth stands no matter how wonderful or how awful your life happens to be at the moment. Now draw the Epiphany connection. How will you thank him? How will you serve him? What opportunities do you have to show your Epiphany connection to Jesus?
Can you draw the Epiphany connection? You sure can! By God’s grace you can! With God’s power you do! Amen.
Go Ahead! Ask Your Heavenly Father!
2nd Sunday after Epiphany, 1/19/25
Ephesians 3:14-21
Go Ahead! Ask Your Heavenly Father!
I. For the strength of faith
II. For the knowledge of Christ’s love
III. For the fullness of God’s blessings
There are times in my life when I’m afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid to ask. And even though my wife will encourage me and urge me to do so, I just don’t feel comfortable. I’m uneasy about asking someone for something.
And I have reasons for my fear. I fear I’ll be putting someone out. I fear I’ll be bothering them. I fear I’ll wear out my welcome with that person. I fear they’ll be resentful. I fear that they’ll do what I ask them to do, but they’ll be disgusted with me. I could go on, but you get my point. At times, I’m afraid of asking someone for something. Do you know what that’s like?
This morning’s sermon text from Ephesians 3 opens with these words of St. Paul, “For this reason I kneel before the Father…I pray.” When I first read those words, I recalled Martin Luther’s explanation to the Address of the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven.” Perhaps you remember memorizing these words at one point in your Catechism instruction life: “With these words, God tenderly invites us to believe that he is our true Father and that we are his true children, so that we may pray to him as boldly and confidently as dear children ask their dear father.”
And then I recalled this morning’s Gospel reading. Jesus has yet to perform a single miracle. He’s at a wedding. His mother and disciples are guests. The unthinkable happens. The wine runs out. And what does Mary do? She boldly and confidently informs Jesus of the issue with the unstated prayer that he will do something about it. And he does. He provides more than she asked for, not less.
The Apostle Paul assumes the same prayer mindset as Mary did—in faith and in posture. He gets on his knees in humility and boldly asks the heavenly Father for some astounding gifts—gifts far greater in value, practicality, and durability than fine wine.
But this isn’t simply a Bible history lesson. We aren’t here simply to recall what Paul did. We’re here to learn. To be inspired. To be emboldened. To do what? To pray as Paul did and as Mary did. To ask our heavenly Father for what we need in life.
So go ahead. Ask. Ask your heavenly Father! But ask for what? Therein lies the important truth of this portion of God’s word. Let’s delve into it together, shall we?
I used to be impressed with physical strength. I still am, but not so much anymore. Why not? Because it only gets you so far. Sooner or later, even the strongest people I know have faced something they can’t overcome. And they crumble. They fall. Time has a way of doing that to all of us.
But then I read the words of Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian Christians, and what does he pray for? Strength! Listen again to his words, “I pray the out of [the Father’s] glorious riches he may strengthen you.” I’m going to guess you’re not fooled. In spite of my words about the failure of physical strength, you know that’s not what Paul is praying for here. And you’re correct, because Paul says so himself. He prays for the Father to strengthen them with power through the Holy Spirit in their inner being.
And that’s an important point for us to remember as we go ahead and ask our heavenly Father for things in prayer. Physical strength is a blessing from God. If you need some, go ahead and pray for it. The Lord knows we need such strength to meet the challenges of everyday living.
But do so only after you’ve prayed for a more important strength—spiritual strength. In other words, pray for a stronger faith. You will eventually lose your physical strength. But your faith in Jesus as your Savior is something that you want to last forever. And that’s exactly what your heavenly Father wants for you. That’s why we pray “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done.” We want the Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith every day of our lives, and that’s what he’s doing right now through his word. That’s what he does every time you read his word. That’s what he does every time you receive Holy Communion.
So, go ahead! Ask your heavenly Father for the strength of faith!
I encountered a sad story in a child’s life the other day. And I’m afraid it’s one that occurs far too often. It was the story of a four-year-old girl who had spent her entire short life in foster care but recently had been adopted by a loving husband and wife into a wonderful, nurturing environment. But as much love as this child received from her new parents—especially her mother—she was still filled with the insecurity of not being loved. She would cling to her new mom every waking moment. She did so out of fear that this new person in her life whom she was growing to love would leave her sooner or later.
Do you know that fear? Do you know the insecurity of not being loved? Maybe not to the extent of this precious, adopted little girl, but we all know it to some extent. We experience uncertainty in our cherished relationships. We don’t know where we stand or what the other person deeply thinks or feels about us.
That’s bad enough when it involves another loved one in our lives. But have you ever experienced the same thing in your relationship with the Lord? Which Christian hasn’t at one time or another?
But listen to these words of Paul, “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Did you catch Paul’s description of you? He said you are rooted and established in love. Have you ever tried to remove a mature tree, stump, and roots, by hand? Good luck. You can do it with enormous power equipment, but not by hand. Paul says that you are rooted in love. Your roots of faith sink you deeply and inextricably into the love of Jesus.
You’re also established in his love. What does that mean? Paul’s words call to mind a solid foundation. A massive, immovable, thick, wide stone structure on which an entire building is built. It’s a structure that will withstand even the strongest of storms. Paul is speaking about the love of Christ. Nothing can change his love for you. It’s immovable, eternal.
But are you still not quite sure of the love that Jesus has in his heart for you? Then picture Jesus doing the same thing you do when your young child or grandchild comes running to greet you. You hold out your arms wide to receive that child and tightly embrace that child in love.
Jesus stretched out his arms to receive you. Not with a hug. But on the cross. His love for you drove him to the cross for you. He died for you that you can live with him. There’s no greater love than that.
Could you use the security of knowing that you live each day in that love? Then go ahead. Ask! Ask your heavenly Father for the knowledge of Christ’s love.
Paul urges you to pray for one more thing.
Have you noticed how rare good service is these days? And I sympathize with employers. It’s hard to hire and retain quality employees these days. And that’s probably the biggest reason why receiving good service is getting rare.
But there is one Server who always has and will provide you with exceptional service. Perfect service. Service beyond what we can fully imagine. And that Server is your Lord Jesus. Listen to Paul pray for that service, “[I pray] that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
“Filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” That’s more than a little redundant. But that’s intentional. Why? Because every day you are likely to feel as if you are not as blessed as you could be or should be. Am I right?
Paul reminds you that simply isn’t true. He piles up the terms of completeness to convince you of it. You might have trouble believing it right now or at other low times in your life, but this is the truth: Jesus won every possible spiritual blessing for you. He left nothing out. You have the full forgiveness of sins. You are fully and completely a child of God by faith in Jesus. And you possess right now eternal life in heaven. That’s not a wish. It's a reality right now. And it’s not just for a short amount of time. It’s eternal. It never ends. And it’s all yours. You have the fullness of God’s blessings.
So, go ahead! Pray to your heavenly Father for the fullness of his blessings. And do so with the certainty that God always hears that prayer and answers that it with “Yes! Of course! That’s exactly what I want for you!”
So, what hinders you from asking your heavenly Father in prayer for these three astounding things? Is it guilt, as if your sins are so great you have no business praying to him for anything? Whoa! Is it that you’re so busy just trying to live each day that you don’t even give thought to stopping for a moment to pray? Again, Whoa! Or is it sinful pride, the deadly sin of thinking that you don’t need to pray because you have everything under control? Double Whoa!
No matter what your situation, you need to speak with your heavenly Father about it. Do so as Paul did, on your humble knees, knowing that you deserve no good thing. But do it also in confident faith in Jesus who won all good things for you by his life, death, and resurrection. Know each day how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for you.
In that love, go ahead! Ask your heavenly Father! And you will receive it according to his will and wisdom! Amen.
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