2nd Sunday of End Time, Last Judgment, 11/9/14
Matthew 25:3-46
Watch the Judgment Unfold!
I. A final separation
II. A final verdict
Modern photography and video are capable of capturing some amazing things. It wasn’t so long ago that I watched the flight of a hummingbird in super-slow speed. Now every time I see one live it reminds me of what an amazing creation of God the hummingbird is. In the other direction, it’s a thing of beauty to watch the time-lapse of a flower bud unfolding right in front of your eyes. Again, it reminds us of what an awesome God we have who created that flower and uses flowers to bring joy to our lives.
But then there are things you’d rather not see. Do not click on the web sites of Muslim extremists. You know what atrocities you’ll find there. They’ll likely make you sick. Here’s another one: I wish I hadn’t see the replay in slow motion of how that football player broke his leg in three places; it was gruesome. I’ll never forget watching the twin towers in New York City come crashing down on 9/11. Every time I think of it, I feel a pit in my stomach. I’m sure you have your own list of things you wish you hadn’t seen.
During Holy Week Jesus spent much of his time teaching people some important things they needed to know before he left this earth. One of his topics was his return on Judgment Day. He wanted people to be ready for it. He wanted people to know what to expect. He didn’t want them to be surprised.
So, this morning he gives us a verbal video of what’s going to happen when he returns. Before our eyes the Last Judgment unfolds. So, is this something you’re eager to see? Or, would you rather not think about it, let alone see it? As a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ you have nothing to fear. In fact, you have everything to look forward to. So join me in watching it. Watch the judgment unfold!
Part I.
Have you ever been in a place that you wish you could get out of, but weren’t able to do so immediately? Perhaps you suffer from claustrophobia, and the crowded room was literally making you crazy. Or maybe there was a terrible odor in the air, and you felt the need to get as far away as possible.
Or maybe it was the people in particular environment. We’ve all been there. You simply cannot stand to be around these people any longer. They’re making your life miserable. They’re against what you think and believe. They operate with a different set of morals. At times you can feel them bringing you down; you succumb to playing the game they’re playing and you’re ashamed of it. You just wish you could separate yourself from it all.
If you’ve had that experience, then you’re going to enjoy the last judgment. You heard me right. I said you’re going to enjoy the last judgment. But won’t that be a terrible day? Not for you and me and every other person who trusts in Christ as their Savior. Ever since Adam’s son, Cain, became the world’s first unbeliever, God’s people have had to exist side-by-side with those who willfully oppose the will of God. They insist on living as they please. They think they can get away with their sinful deeds. Worst of all, they want to bring Christianity to a violent end. You can see it for yourself on the nightly evening news. It makes us wish they would simply leave either on their own or that someone would make them leave by force. We wonder why God doesn’t put an end to their evil. And it wears on us. We wonder how much more we can take.
If those weary thoughts are weighing on your mind, then listen to this good news, “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” There you have it. That’s the day when a final separation will occur. Jesus comes back in all his glory with all the holy angels with him. Can you imagine that sight? Countless people today blaspheme Jesus and thumb their noses at him. Not on the Last Day. His glory will overwhelm every single one of them. Not one of them will be able to utter a single word to defy him.
And then in instant with the help of the countless thousands of holy angels he will separate us from them. Their evil influence on us will cease. We’ll never be bothered by their wickedness again. We’ll be separated from them. But in some cases won’t that separation be painful? You think of the people you know that might be separated from you. I know such separations in this life can be painful, but not in the judgment on the Last Day. The Bible repeatedly calls that a glorious day for God’s people, not a painful day. It can’t be anything less than glorious because you’ll be standing in the blessed presence of Jesus with a glorified body like his.
So, the first thing that Jesus wants us to watch is the final separation. Watch the judgment unfold, a final separation.
I know that the thought of the final judgment might not be all that appealing to you. Standing before a judge of any kind can be one of life’s most anxious moments. And this isn’t just any judge—it’s the Judge, the Son of God. But believe me, you have nothing to worry about. Jesus calls you one of his own dear sheep right now. It’s been that way since the day he placed his name on you at your baptism. He tells you that now; he’ll say it before every person in the world on the Last Day. So, let him deal with all the evil in our world. Let him take care of it as only he can. But do you get discouraged at times? Sure you do. But filled with despair? There’s no reason for it. Jesus is in complete control. He’ll show it on the Last Day. Find your strength and comfort in the fact that he bought you with his own blood. He called you into his kingdom by faith in him. He is keeping you safe in his kingdom through word and sacrament. And on the basis of that faith in him he’ll separate you so that you can be with him forever.
Part II.
Do you remember the infamous murder trial of OJ Simpson? If so, you probably recall famous piece of evidence—the glove. The prosecutors in the case maintained it was worn by OJ in committing the crime. There was only one problem. It was too small for OJ’s hand. It resulted in the little rhyme, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” In this case, this piece of evidence didn’t support a guilty verdict.
Being the Judge of all judges, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus doesn’t wait for the evidence to support one verdict or another. He doesn’t have to; he’s God. First he declares the verdicts. “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.’” He will speak those words to you and all those who trust in Jesus along with you. It’s on the basis of that faith in him as the Savior that he announces that verdict. A little later Jesus calls those who trust in him “the righteous.” That’s an important word. It means that by faith in Jesus our sins are washed away and they have been replaced by the holiness of Jesus.
But he has another verdict to announce as well. “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’” These are the people who don’t trust Jesus, therefore they have no forgiveness, no eternal life with him.
Then Jesus presents the evidence. In the case of those who trust him, he mentions the good things they had done. But please don’t misunderstand. These good works didn’t earn heaven for them. You can’t earn your way to heaven. These good works were the evidence of their love for Jesus and their trust him in. Specifically, Jesus mentions the way we help our fellow human beings simply out of love for Jesus.
But the opposite is also true. Those who didn’t love Jesus in this life or trust in him didn’t do anything out of love for him. Sure they might have done acts of charity. But they didn’t do it out of love for Jesus. It wasn’t a fruit of faith because they have no faith in Jesus. The Bible states, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). They didn’t want life with Jesus in this life; they won’t have it in the next either. And nothing will change the mind of Jesus about it.
Watch the judgment unfold, a final verdict.
Watch it unfold without any fear in your heart and mind. You have nothing to fear. The Last Judgment is not going to be an investigation into your life. Jesus isn’t going to reveal all your sins to the world. He’s simply going to declare what he and you already know—that you trust in him as your Savior from sin. That’s the most important declaration Jesus can make about anyone. And he promises to make it about you. “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.” Watch the judgment unfold! What a glorious day it will be for you! Amen.
November 8, 2014
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