November 28, 2015

What Are You Waiting For?

1st Sunday in Advent, 11/29/15
Luke 21:25-36

What Are You Waiting For?
I. The end of every worldly thing
II. The glorious return of Jesus

Did you have trouble waiting for something you desired when you were a young child? I know I did. Some of us are innately impatient and being told to wait simply doesn’t seem possible.

But as we matured, the demand for instant gratification subsided somewhat. We learned that there’s some truth in the old adage, “Good things come to those who wait.” As we became wiser, we realized that so many things in our lives are the result of processes, some of which are finely detailed and immensely multi-faceted. So, if that’s what we want to occur, we’ll simply have to wait. It can’t and won’t happen right away.

So, what are you waiting for? The answer to that depends a great deal on where you are in your life. Maybe you’re waiting to finish school. Perhaps you’re waiting to get married. You’re waiting to find a better job. You’re waiting to move, waiting for all the kids to move out, waiting for retirement.

And then there are those situations that are common to all of us no matter what stage we’re at in life. We wait for better health, we wait until we have sufficient funds, we wait until the time is right.

But let’s get more specific. As a Christian, what are you waiting for? Since today marks the beginning of the season of Advent, you might be prompted to answer, “I’m waiting for Jesus.” And that’s a fine, Christian answer. It’s the one to which Jesus himself points in today’s sermon text from Luke 21. In this section of his word, Jesus unfolds some critical details about his coming to this earth. As Advent Christians, we wait eagerly for his return. But just what are you expecting when he does return? Are you clear on what his return will bring?

In order for the Holy Spirit to provide some clarity, let’s ask the simple question, “What are you waiting for?” And may the Holy Spirit accomplish his deepest desire for us—to enlighten us with his truth and nurture our faith in Jesus.

Part I.

Have you ever been told, “We can’t order parts for this anymore”? Probably so often that you’re no longer surprised. It’s called planned obsolescence. The companies that produce the durable goods that you want and need for your modern life are business-savvy. They want you back in the marketplace as soon as possible. One way to accomplish that is to eliminate replacement parts or to make repairs so expensive that they aren’t worth it. I buy a new microwave about every 8 years or so. I’m on my third bread toaster. I’m on my sixth computer and at least my fourth cell phone. None of these items were made to last.

Our God originally designed our world and the humans in it to last literally forever. But you know what happened. Sin entered the world and ruined God’s design. Adam and Eve weren’t the only ones affected. Sin infected their entire world—animals and plants as well. In short order the world was filled with violence, murder and immorality. It got to the point where the promise of the Savior was threatened so God “cleansed” the world with a flood. The only problem? The eight people in the ark were sinners just like you and I. God had no plans to let things go on like this forever. So he proclaimed two great promises. He would still send a Savior. And soon after that Savior finishes his work, the end will come.

So, now that Christ has come and finished the work of our salvation, there’s only one thing left for us Christians to wait for. The end of every worldly thing. Earlier in this same chapter of Luke, Jesus had spoken about general signs that the ends was coming. He referred to wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places (25:11). We’ve seen all of those fulfilled in our lifetimes. In fact, those signs have been occurring ever since Jesus left this earth. The end will come!

But in this section of his word Jesus brings to light the events occurring in nature right before the end comes. “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.” We’re not quite seeing these things yet, but it could happen at any time. Things will happen in nature that we’ve never seen before. These signs will bewilder some of the world’s brightest minds at the time, but don’t let them bewilder you. If and when you see them occur, know that Jesus is about to return.

Does that frighten you? Are you filled with more than a little apprehension? Worried that you’re not ready? Worry no more! There is only one thing that makes a sinful human being ready for the end of all worldly things. And that one thing you possess by the grace of God. It’s your faith in Jesus as your Savior which was worked in you by the Holy Spirit. Your God has claimed you as his own. Jesus promises that nothing will harm you on the Last Day. That’s nothing to cower from; it’s everything to embrace.

Christian, what are you waiting for? The end of every worldly thing.

Are you the type of person who ignores symptoms? If so, you know that usually doesn’t end well. The repairman will tell you, “You should have had this taken care of the first time you noticed it.” Your doctor will tell you, “You’ve made things worse by waiting to see me.”

It’s easy to get lulled into the thinking that everything will continue in this world just as it has. In fact, collectively our world has so much forward inertia that having it all come to a screeching halt seems not only unlikely but almost impossible. Jesus warns us in our text, “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life.”

Don’t ignore the symptoms! Let the evil that is so prevalent in our world remind you every day that things can’t go on like this. Let every act of aggression remind you that Jesus won’t let things go on like this. He has planned to bring all things to an end at the time his Father has chosen. But have no fear. His plan is to rescue you and bring you safely to him. That’s what his life and his death were all about. You’re safe in the ark of his holy Church. So what are you waiting for? Literally, the end of every worldly thing.

Part II.

It’s been said that the Christian is an optimist. He or she has the ability to see a silver lining in every dark cloud. So what’s the silver lining in the truth that we’re waiting for every worldly thing to be destroyed?

It will mean that Jesus is back!

Listen to his words of promise: “At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” There’s not one word in those sentences that should cause us any fear or trepidation. He doesn’t tell us things will be so terrible for us that it would be good to have a place in mind to which we can run and hide. Instead, he tells us to lift up our heads and take it all in. Jesus will arrive with power and great glory. For the first time in the world’s sinful history no one will dare to oppose Jesus or say a single word against him. Resistance will be divinely futile.

What a glorious day that will be for us who love and trust in him! That day will be the beginning of life in the presence of Jesus forever. Nothing will ever go wrong in our lives again. Stress, death, sickness, pain and disease will be gone. No more disappointments. No more heartaches. Just bliss. Unending bliss.

With glorified bodies as well. Whatever hinders you physically now will be over. Scripture declares, “He will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Php. 3:21). Imagine! We’ll live in a perfect place with perfect bodies. What could possibly be better than that? And it’s all yours when Jesus returns because Jesus won it for you.

In short, his return on the Last Day will bring about the consummation of everything God has planned for you and has won for you. In our text Jesus refers to it as our “redemption.” Finally our warfare with sin, death and the devil will be over. Finally Satan and his demons will be chained forever. Finally we’ll inherit life with Jesus, living in his presence forever. I can’t wait; can you?

What are you waiting for? Without a doubt, the glorious return of Jesus.

Consciously or not, we are waiting spiritually for that day every day. And the beauty of it is that there’s nothing left for us to do to receive what Jesus has in store for us. Contrary to all the preparations you made to celebrate Thanksgiving and now will make to celebrate Christmas, all the work for you to enjoy the return of Jesus has already been done for you by Jesus himself. So, as you prepare to celebrate his first coming at Christmas, live each day in your Christian faith—recalling your sinfulness but absolutely certain of your forgiveness and your eternal life in Christ. And then each day recall his promise to return. Let his return be the greatest thing you’re waiting for. What are you waiting for? In a word—Jesus. Amen.